Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Infancy Gospel of James posted on Gnostic Insights podcast

 You may enjoy listening to my Christmas podcast episode over on Gnostic Insights. For this episode I read The Infancy Gospel of James outloud. This gospel is not particularly "gnostic;" it is more along the lines of an early Christian fable of the nativity that we haven't heard before.

For instance, did you know that Mary was raised as a vestal virgin in Herod's Temple in Jerusalem? Did you know that Mary was betrothed to a much older widower, Joseph, when she was 12? Did you know that Mary and Joseph got into a world of trouble when Mary turned up pregnant at age 16?  Did you know that a Hebrew midwife performed a pelvic exam of Mary after the birth of Jesus to see if she was truly still a virgin? There's plenty more we have never heard, from this banned gospel. 

Go have a listen. Hopefully you will enjoy hearing it. It's my Christmas present to you.

The Infancy Gospel of James: Mary and the Birth of Jesus – Gnostic Insights

Onward and upward!


Friday, December 10, 2021

Are you listening to the Gnostic Insights Podcast?

My Gnostic Insights podcast is worth listening to! I am putting most of my effort into Gnostic Insights, posting at least once per week. There are now well over 50 episodes to listen to. If you begin at the beginning of the podcast and work your way forward through all 50, you will find yourself in a "master class" of Gnostic cosmology and insights.

All episodes are alive and actively dispensing information there at the Gnostic Insights home page. When you visit Gnostic Insights you will find two menu tabs at the top of the page with all episodes listed in order of their posting.

Under the menu tab called "The Gnostic Gospel Primer" you will find the first eight episodes of Gnostic Insights, which lays out the gnostic cosmology according to the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi scriptures. Begin at episode 1 and then carry on listening to all eight episodes in order. The episodes follow a logical progression, designed for your understanding and developing gnosis. If you follow these episodes in order of their presentation, you will not get lost.

Then, after completing the Primer, go to the menu tab called "Complete Episodes Library." There you will discover an extremely rich trove of gnostic thought. If you go in order, from the top episode, called "Ego vs. Self" and continue down the ever-lengthening list of podcast episodes, you will be able to understand the material. If you jump to the middle or the end, I can't guarantee that you won't get lost. I record these episodes in a particular, logical order, and many of the terms and concepts depend upon your having listened to the preceding episodes.

The purpose of Gnostic Insights is to help you remember the gnosis that was placed in your mind and heart prior to your birth. I am not trying to wow you with my mystical brilliance or academic credentials. I am doing my best to keep the language simple and understandable for anyone to grasp. The concepts may be foreign and deep, but if you listen with an open heart and mind you will get it. I promise.

You may also write to me with questions or comments, using the contact form there at Gnostic Insights. I would love to hear from you! There, you also have the opportunity to help support Gnostic Insights with a donation. I would so appreciate that.

Onward and upward! See you at the top!

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Message from a Catholic Archbishop Concerning the Worldwide Health Crisis--Reprint

 This Catholic Archbishop sounds the alarm against the true meaning behind the pandemic and the untested, dangerous jabs.  Reprint below:

Archbishop Viganò Writes Stunning Letter On Vaccine Program

Tyler Durden's Photo
WEDNESDAY, NOV 03, 2021 - 04:21 PM

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written a stunning letter to America’s bishops in which he makes several astounding claims about COVID-19 jabs and the Church’s role in promoting vaccines.

Viganò asserts that vaccines normally go through years of rigorous testing, and that the lack of such a process in the case of COVID-19 jabs represents public health authorities conducting “experimentation on the entire world population.”

The Archbishop referenced drug treatments that have proven effective in fighting COVID without the risks of vaccines, noting that such drugs have been discredited by global health bodies and the media.

“It must be reiterated that there are effective treatments which cure patients and allow them to develop permanent natural immune defenses, something that the vaccines do not do,” he wrote.

“Furthermore, these treatments do not cause serious side effects, since the drugs that are used have been licensed for decades.”

“International standards specify that an experimental drug cannot be authorized for distribution except in the absence of an effective alternative treatment: this is why drug agencies in the USA and Europe have prevented the use of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, hyper-immune plasma, and other therapies with proven effectiveness,” he added.

Viganò goes on to state that the vaccines proving ineffective in preventing people from getting and passing on the virus means they can’t even be called vaccines.

“In fact a “vaccine” is defined as a medicinal preparation aimed at inducing the production of protective antibodies by the organism, conferring specific resistance against a specific infectious disease (viral, bacterial, protozoal). This definition was recently changed by the WHO, because otherwise it would not have been able to include anti-Covid drugs, which do not induce the production of protective antibodies and do not confer a specific resistance against the SarsCoV-2 infectious disease.”

The Archbishop went on to assert it was a moral “duty” to refuse inoculation given what we now know about the vaccine program.

“Worldwide, the number of deaths and grave pathologies following vaccination is increasing exponentially: in only nine months these vaccines have caused more deaths than all vaccines in the last thirty years. Not only this: in many nations – such as Israel for example – the number of deaths after vaccination is now greater than the number of deaths from Covid.”

Viganò went to to assert it would be “immoral and unacceptable” for Catholics to take the vaccine given revelations by Pfizer executives that the jabs contain material from aborted fetuses.

The Archbishop expressed his fury at other members of the clergy and Pope Francis himself for facilitating a “crime against humanity” and “satanic action against God.”

Viganò pulled no punches in outlining the wider agenda at play.

I realize that it may be extremely unpopular to take a position against the so-called vaccines, but as Shepherds of the flock of the Lord we have the duty to denounce the horrible crime that is being carried out, whose goal is to create billions of chronically ill people and to exterminate millions and millions of people, based on the infernal ideology of the “Great Reset” formulated by the President of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab and endorsed by institutions and organizations around the world.”

Viganò previously wrote to then President Donald Trump asserting that the COVID-19 pandemic is part of a plot to impose a “health dictatorship” and that Trump is “the final garrison” in stopping this agenda.

Last year, we also highlighted how Cardinal Raymond Burke warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is being exploited by proponents of “The Great Reset” to “advance their evil agenda.”

*  *  *

Sunday, October 31, 2021

As Below, So Above: Inferring the Transcendent

Here's an episode of Gnostic Insights podcast that I uploaded this week, on October 29th. Pretty good essay on the relationship between us and the realm above. You can access the episode here, or you can read the script below.

As Below, So Above: Inferring the Transcendent

by Cyd Ropp, Ph.D.  for Gnostic Insights Podcast

The manner by which we are mining gnosis here at Gnostic Insights often involves using analogies between what is known and what is less tangible—"as below, so above" provides a handy tool for inferring otherwise undetectable aspects of the spiritual dimension. If we start with the premise of a singular consciousness that pre-exists everything that came after it, then we can follow the genesis of our universe from that consciousness step-by-step. In today's episode, we are going to map aspects of our human personalities onto the Gnostic Gospel to see what we can infer about ourselves down here below and about the forms of consciousness above.

So, what do we "know" by now?  We generally begin at the beginning and build outward from there. So we start with consciousness. We know that all life forms are conscious, and we infer from that a ground state of consciousness, and that we call the Father. The Father, or consciousness itself, is not the same as having thoughts. It is simply self-awareness. This is the no-thought state that people seek through meditation.

Then we say that consciousness, or the Father, or what we call in the Simple Explanation—the Metaverse—had a thought. This thought is a ripple in consciousness that rises out of the undifferentiated state of no-thought. The Gnostic Gospel calls this thought the Son. The Son reflects the consciousness of the Father in a circumscribed form. Circumscribed means contained, like drawing a circle around something. Yet, the Son is not lesser than the Father, because there is no size or distance here; and there is no time or space in the eternal omnipresent.

The Tripartite Tractate says that no sooner did the Son arise, that it had its own thought which differentiated into every possible thought, like rays of light shooting out from a central star. The Son mirroring the creative act of the Father gave rise to himself in the form of countless thoughts. These thoughts became aware of themselves in the same manner that the Son became self-aware. The moment they became self-aware, they named themselves. And the moment they named themselves, they sorted themselves into a hierarchy of relationships with one another.

These thoughts of the Son are called Aeons, and the hierarchy into which they arranged themselves is called the Fullness of God, also known as the Pleroma. The Aeons consist of names, stations, ranks, duties, and locations. This is another way of saying that the Aeons form a kind of geometry of functions and forms that all know where and what and who they are in relationship with each other. Within the hierarchy of the Fullness, all Aeons have their own identities as well as their self-assigned locations and functions. Everyone knows who they are and where they stand in their intermingled ecology. Each Aeon occupies a unique place and perspective within the union of the Fullness. No one is left out and no one is more important than any other Aeon of the hierarchy.

The Fullness reflects the entirety of the Son. They co-exist and overlap. The Son wears the Fullness as a garment, and the Fullness wears the Son, in the same manner that our own bodies can be said to be a garment for our souls—our bodies contain and co-exist with our selves. The Fullness is a singular entity composed of countless Aeons, in the same way that our bodies are singular organism composed of countless cells.

The Aeons sat in a unified state. "All for one and one for all!" is their motto. Their main function is to love and to be loved. They love each other; they love the Son. The Aeons love the Father and gave constant glory to the Father, so happy were they to be alive. The Aeons yearned for communion with the Father for they recognized themselves as the fruit of the Father. In the same manner that blood flows throughout our bodies, delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell, the Holy Spirit of the Father's consciousness flowed through the Aeons of the Fullness, constantly feeding them love.

Although the Aeons dwelt within the single body of the Fullness, they were each an independent self. Their immense variety required them to work together and remain in full agreement, for only through their union could they approach the Father's greatness. It was only in their unanimity that they reflected the perfection of the Son, and only the Son had direct access to the Father. If they were not in complete agreement, then they could not add up to the Fullness of the Son.

It was through giving glory to the Father that the Fullness remained unified as one body. Giving glory means focusing upon an object with adoration and love. The Tripartite Tractate tells us that there was a simple set of rules that insured the unanimity of the Fullness. In order to remain aligned with the Father, the Aeons needed to glorify only the Father and never themselves. The Aeons were not to glorify their neighbors, neither those beside them nor those above them. They were not to glorify the Fullness as a whole. Rather their focus was to remain upward, giving glory only to the Father. Furthermore, each Aeon was to give glory from its own location in the hierarchy, with its own talents and capabilities, and not borrowing the talents of its neighbors.

I know we have covered this territory before on Gnostic Insights. But bear with me and we will soon be able to relate this information to ourselves and our lives here below.

Our universe began with the Fall.

The Tripartite Tractate calls the Aeon-who-Fell, "Logos." That is a significant name. Logos is defined as the principle of order and reason. If we think of the logos within ourselves, we would align logos with our mind's reasoning capabilities, including the ability to apply logic and make inferences.

The Tripartite Tractate says that Logos was the final Aeon produced when the Aeons sorted themselves into their hierarchical arrangement of the Fullness of God. This Aeon, Logos, contained within itself not only the ability to reason, it also contained all of the traits and abilities of the Fullness, wrapped into a single package. In terms of the Simple Explanation, we would say that Logos was the perfect fractal of the Fullness, carrying within itself all of the knowledge and functions of all of the other Aeons.

The Bible's Gospel of John identifies this Aeon called Logos as the Son, but this is an error, according to Gnostic cosmology. As we have just laid out in the cosmology, the Son is the first fruit of the Father, and the Son is the father of the Fullness. The Aeon who Fell is but one Aeon out of the Fullness. Yes, you can see how Logos reflects the Son, being a fractal of the Fullness of the Son, however, it is only a fractal, an iteration of the Son in a lesser form, not to be confused with the Son, who precedes it and is more exalted than the Aeons. The Aeon called Logos carries fractal copies of all the Aeons within itself, but these aeonic copies are not each self-aware in the way the Aeons themselves are self-aware. The aeonic copies contained within the Aeon known as Logos are not themselves conscious; they are merely fractal reflections of the hierarchy, but lacking the consciousnesses of the Aeons. By way of analogy, think of the fractals of the imitation like two-dimensional reflections of a three-dimensional world as seen in a mirror; a resemblance of the Aeons only on the surface, lacking the depth of consciousness and thought.

The Tripartite Tractate tells us that the Aeon known as Logos yearned to reunite with the Father, as did all of the Aeons. But rather than sitting with the others in the Fullness, giving glory according to the rules of unanimity,  Logos had a thought that deviated from the rules. Logos had its own, singular, bright idea. This idea came to be known as the "presumptuous thought" in Gnostic cosmology.  "Presumptuous" means "failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate." What Logos decided to do was to reach out to the Father all on its own. In other words, Logos mistook its own personal will for the will of the Fullness of God. Logos mistook himself, you could say, for the Son. It is this presumptuous thought, borne out of misplaced love for the Father, that caused the Fall. This presumptuous thought was the original sin.

Christianity continues to make the same error of identification that Logos made. Logos is not the Son; Logos is the Aeon-Who-Fell.

Logos separated itself from the Fullness of the Son when it took action on its own. This action of leaving the Fullness to strike out on its own is the first act of the Ego. The Ego of Logos brought about the Fall.  This action of Ego is the true nature of the Fall—not a human being handing another human being forbidden knowledge in the form of a magic apple. The Fall is birthed by the Ego acting outside of the Will of God, which is to say, Ego putting itself on the throne and making decisions on its own.

And this is very true of our own personal human psyches as well. When Ego displaces Self at the center of our Unit of Consciousness, as we call it in the Simple Explanation, then we are allowing our self-centered Ego to run the show. Ego displaces the One Self we share with the Fullness and the Son.

And it's all downhill from there. Logos Fell and broke apart into poor, weak imitations of the Aeons above. And, because they were no longer arranged in the orderly ecology of the Fullness, the imitations lacked places, functions, and names, throwing them into a disordered state of chaos. The imitations of the Aeons were not self-aware in the manner of the Aeons whose figures they mirrored, and this lack of consciousness manifested only disturbance, upheaval, and confusion. These phantoms of the deficiency did not reflect in any way the glory of the Fullness, the Son, or the Father. They were feeble, small, and unruly. There was no cooperative will among them. There was no Golden Rule.

Here is how this is described in my book, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, pages 20 and 21:

"Presumptuous thought and arrogance replaced the wisdom granted by the Father, and Logos lost himself to ignorance and oblivion. Everything he produced as a result fell disastrously short of his intended glory.  The imitations produced as a consequence of the Fall lacked the ability to reason. Their only thought was for themselves, arising as they did from division. They thought they were all there was, and they admired only themselves, not realizing they were but dark shadows of the Aeons of the Fullness.

"Because Logos had been reaching for the heights when he fell, the imitation of the Fullness that emerged from the Fall kept trying to reach the unreachable. Only now, what had been a desire of the Aeons to reunite with their Father became an upward striving for power. Personal ambition eclipsed the Father's will." 

And, by way of analogy, so it is with all of us. When our Ego holds the throne of our Unit of Consciousness, as we would say in Simple Explanation terms, when our Ego is put in the center rather than the Self, then we experience the same sort of self-centered ambition and the only drive becomes power. When the Self sits at the center of our consciousness, rather than our Ego, then our Self is in full alignment with the One, with the Son, and with the Fullness.

The Tripartite Tractate says that the best part of Logos was horrified by the chaos it had created and fled back to its brethren in the Fullness, abandoning the broken imitation.  So let us consider what of Logos was left behind when the best part of the Aeon abandoned the deficiency. The answer would be Ego. The Ego of Logos had no remembrance of the Fullness or the Father, for the Self that fled to the Fullness was the sliver of consciousness that remembered the Father. The Ego of Logos, abandoned below, continued to believe that it was all there was, having forgotten the true nature and source of consciousness. The Ego of Logos did not remember love or the life of the Pleroma. As the best part of Logos had vacated, the Ego of Logos took over management of the Fallen deficiency. We know from both the Bible and from the Tripartite Tractate that the God of this universe brought order to the chaos, forming the heavens and the earth.

However, since the creations of the Fall lacked self-awareness and intrinsic order, they needed to be ruled with an iron fist. Lacking aeonic cooperation and unity, the imitations of the deficiency required their every move to be directed by the Ego of the Fallen Aeon. The God of this cosmos is known as the Demiurge in Gnostic studies, a term it borrows from ancient Greek philosophy. The Demiurge is described as an artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe. In the Bible, the God of this universe is known as Yahweh, or Jehovah.

Unfortunately, this God, the maker of the heavens and earth, is not the same as the Father above, as we have seen from the Gnostic cosmology. This Demiurge is a slight-of-hand misdirection from the true source of life and light. This is one reason I like to begin these discussions with the Father, and show the relationship of the Father to the Son and the Son to the Aeons of the Fullness, in order to demonstrate that this is not the same Father as the one we were taught to consider the Almighty. The God of this earth and of this material universe was created out of Ego, during the Fall. This God is the fruit of the original sin. This is definitely not the God Above All Gods, who is our right and proper source of consciousness and the glorious focus of our devotion. This Demiurge, who calls himself the Father, is not the Father Above. This Demiurge is only the Egoic manifestation of one Fallen Aeon.

And again, to make an analogy to our own psyches, our Ego is often mistaken for the Self. But, it is the Self that is the true reflection of the Father and of the Fullness of God. The Ego is merely a Fall away from the Self; and when you fall away from the Self, or the Fullness of God, you mistake your own Ego for Truth. But it is not Truth; it is a reflection of the world. It is a reflection of those things around us in the material world that are created by the Demiurge.

The manner by which the Demiurge becomes the God of this universe is logically self-evident, considering the Gnostic fable I've just shared. The reason for the Fall is that Logos forgot about the rules of cooperation and unanimity that allowed the Fullness to sing their song of glorious praise. Presumptuous thought brought the Ego of Logos to the forefront and replaced its spirit of cooperation with self-centered ambition and lusting for power.  In terms of the Simple Explanation, the Universal Unit of Consciousness became shrouded by the Ego of the Demiurge, and the Self of Logos retreated to the Fullness to lick its wounds.

Left on its own, what the Demiurge lacked in terms of the cooperative structure of the Fullness, it made up for with brute force. The Demiurge was able to create order in the material world by a system of bondage and close supervision. The Demiurge took the disordered material of the quantum foam and caused it to level up in a manner reminiscent of the aeon's Golden Rule. Particles to atoms, atoms to molecules, molecules to elements, elements to minerals. But where the Golden Rule uses the principle of reaching out to others to willingly hold hands and share information, assistance, and love for the betterment of All, the Demiurge uses strings that bind and entwine from a central source, giving no choice in the matter. The Demiurge fills in the lack of consciousness within the deficiency with its own egoic power and plans. The Demiurge is a tyrant who exercises complete domination.

We who are conscious here below are not simply puppets of the Demiurge. The Gnostic Gospel explains that Logos and the Fullness sought a solution to overthrow what had come into being through the Fall. The Aeons fashioned a fruit that reflected their own lives, and imbued this fruit with life and a memory of the Fullness and the Golden Rule of Cooperation. This fruit was sent into the deficiency, our universe, one at a time, from the smallest and most humble to the largest and most complex. It is these life forms that inhabit the universe, and they are called the Second Order of Powers. Born from a good, cooperative thought, the Second Order Powers work in harmony and love, for they had come forth from the harmony and love of the Fullness and the Father.

The life forms of our universe are a melding of the Fullness of God, with all of the consciousness and cooperation that comes from the Fullness, with the material controlled by the Demiurge. This marriage of the Fullness to the Demiurge creates an arena of constant conflict and striving, both within ourselves and with our neighbors as we strive with elements of Self and Ego, Above and Below, virtue and vice, freedom and tyranny. We find ourselves in a "never-ending war" with forces and principalities beyond our control as we balance our lives between the powers of the Demiurge and the powers of the Pleroma. In the course of battle, most of us have forgotten our aeonic inheritance.

The good news is that the Gnostic cosmology doesn't stop there. In order to restore memory and reason to the Second Order Powers, the Aeons of the Fullness, every one of them individually and all of them collectively, gave glory in unison to their Father while praying for a helper to bring peace to the Deficiency and forgiveness to Logos. Out of their focused prayer, a unique fruit emerged, one that contained all of the capabilities and powers of the Fullness along with all of the love and eternal qualities of the Father.

In Simple Explanation terms, the Christ is a perfect and full fractal of the Father and the Son, all rolled up into One perfect form. 

Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was both perfect Man and perfect God incarnate. Christian Gnostics believe the same. Here is the more complete explanation of who Jesus was:

It is said that Jesus was conceived without sin, because he carried within his body the perfection of Man and God. This would mean that Jesus’s DNA was perfect and true to the original DNA formula for humanity, hence the importance of the virgin birth that imparted that perfect DNA to the baby.

Jesus was also without negative karma in his soul, as his soul was the soul of God.

The components of Jesus’s body were also without sin, as the cells and flesh that became Jesus were in fact the Aeons of the Fullness incarnate. As Colossians 1:19 says, “For God was pleased to have all his Fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”

This one sentence from Colossians contains the entire Christian Gnostic gospel. Because Jesus brought along the entire Fullness of the Pleroma when he incarnated, every aspect of the Father and the Son came to material instantiation on earth. In this manner, the eternal God experienced the finite life of us Second Order Powers and all of the struggles between birth and death that plague us all.

Here is how the Tripartite Tractate describes it:

“They gathered together, asking the Father with beneficent intent that there be aid from above, from the Father, for his glory since the defective one could not become perfect in any other way, unless it was the will of the Pleroma of the Father, which he had drawn to himself, revealed, and given to the defective one. Then from the harmony, in a joyous willingness which had come into being, they brought forth the fruit, which was a begetting from the harmony, a unity, a possession of the Fullnesses, revealing the countenance of the Father, of whom the Aeons thought as they gave glory and prayed for help for their brother with a wish in which the Father counted himself with them. Thus it was willingly and gladly that they brought forth the fruit.

“And he made manifest the agreement of the revelation of his union with them—which was his beloved Son... the one who is properly called ‘Savior’ and ‘the Redeemer’ and ‘the Well-Pleasing One’ and ‘the Beloved,’ ‘the One to whom prayers have been offered’ and ‘the Christ’ and ‘the Light of those appointed,’ in accordance with the ones from whom he was brought forth, since he has become the names of the positions which were given to him. Yet, what other name may be applied to him except ‘the Son,’ as we previously said, since he is the knowledge of the Father, whom he wanted them to know?

“Not only did the Aeons generate the countenance of the Father to whom they gave praise, but also they generated their own; for the Aeons who give glory generated their countenance and their face. They were produced as an army for him, as for a king, since the beings of the thought have a powerful fellowship and an intermingled harmony. They came forth in a multifaceted form in order that the one to whom help was to be given might see those to whom he had prayed for help. He also sees the One who gave it to him.”  [Tripartite Tractate, sections 85—87]

So, you see, the mission of the Christ, as stated in Colossians, was to redeem all of creation, including the fallen Aeon who founded our material universe. Because the Christ came to redeem everyone, the body of Jesus came to earth with every one of the Fullnesses on board. For every fallen spirit, the Christ brought their own personal and recognizable Savior. The function of Jesus as an earthly, human savior, is to demonstrate to us that we can all be redeemed and resurrected out of the mud and death and into everlasting life. The Jesus figure is presented as our exemplar of how we may all rise, every one of us, including the Demiurge itself. In Simple Explanation terms, the Christ brought the correcting formula for all of our spirits and souls, each unique and personally formulated to meet our individual needs. The baptism of the Christ washes away the mental and spiritual confusion brought on by the endless war with shadows of the Fall. 

Gnostics are apocalyptic, as are Christians. There will soon come a day when the Deficiency ends. On that day, a new economy will unite Heaven and Earth, and all souls will find their joyous place in Paradise. The only forms banished to the outer darkness will be the shadows and phantoms of the Fall, which did not exist within the Father from the beginning. These shadows are not real, and they have no home with us in Paradise, and the light of the Father will evaporate them.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

David Bentley Hart's New Testament--Quite Gnostic

You can listen to the article below on my Gnostic Insights podcast. Available now on most podcast platforms, or visit my website for easy access to all podcast episodes.

Click on this link to go straight to the podcast episode of this article.

In 2017, Yale University Press published a new edition of the New Testament. This New Testament was translated afresh by David Bentley Hart. This new translation of Hart’s was, as he puts it, “scrupulously faithful” to the original Greek text, and not merely a reiteration of conventional versions. In his introduction to the book, Hart says that “most modern readers are separated from the new Testament not only by obvious differences in language, culture, and intellectual formation that put them at an immense historical remove from the authors, but also to a considerable degree by the doctrinal expectations that have shaped the decisions of translators through the centuries.”

Hart points out that theology not only shapes translations, but particular translations have had enormous consequences for the development of theology. He goes on to say that “in extreme cases doctrinal or theological or moral ideologies drive translators to distort the text to a discreditable degree.” Hart holds up the New International Version and The English Standard Version as notorious examples of distortion, with “preposterous liberties taken” to accomplish ‘correct theology’ often verging “on a kind of pious fraudulence.”  “Where difficult words or syntactical uncertainties or grammatical obscurities appear in the Greek, the solutions favored by earlier translators are generally carried over by their successors, even where there may be more plausible or more interesting alternatives.”

Hart has produced, as he puts it, “an almost pitilessly literal translation.” Hart even matches style. He says, “Where the Greek of the original is maladroit, (left handed, awkward), broken, or impenetrable, as it is with some consistency in Paul’s letters, so is the English of my translation; where an author has written bad Greek, such as one finds throughout the book of Revelation, I have written bad English.”

He also translates many words by their literal meanings in English, departing from tradition. Thus the Anglicized Greek word “Christ” is translated “Annointed;” the Anglicized Persian word “devil” is translated “Slanderer;” and “Church” becomes “Assembly.” Although Hart admits he could not bring himself to render “angel” as “messenger” in all instances, because it would render some famous passages “absurd”—“legions of messengers,” for example, or that the face of Stephen before the Sanhedrin looked like “the face of a messenger.”

Hart then mentions another word he struggled with: aion, and aionios—what we would call aeon and aeonic. In the scientific postscript to his New Testament, Hart spends seven pages on the topic of aeons.

Now, you know from your general studies of gnostic literature and our studies here at Gnostic Insights, that gnostic cosmology considers aeons to be the differentiated qualities of the Son of God. When the Son becomes self-aware, it differentiates itself into ALL of its parts. These parts or differentiations of the Son do not fly apart into individual entities, but they stay tucked up inside the Son, sitting together in perfect harmony, each one a self-aware unit of consciousness. This place where the aeons dwell is called the Totalities, or the Fullness, or the Pleroma of God.

The aeons of the Pleroma is an integral concept in our understanding of gnostic theology. The aeons are thought of as conscious entities that came before the creation of our cosmos. Moreover, they are thought of as our parents in a sense, for we are described as “their fruit.” The aeons not only represent our ancestors, but they also constitute all of the powers, forces, and relationships that manifest here in creation, forces and relationships such as the laws of physics and chemistry, biology, logic and math, and every conceivable relationship amongst the objects of creation.

This is how I describe the aeons of the Fullness in my book, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated:

“The ALL, like the Father and Son, is infinite and limitless in scope and capability. The awakened aeons sorted themselves into a mutually beneficial and cooperative colony—a hierarchy consisting of names, stations, ranks, duties, and locations. Each aeon occupies a unique place and perspective in the union of the Fullness. The newly self-aware aeons were not separated from the One Who Is, for their Father was the Son and embodiment of the Formless one, and His Holy Spirit flowed throughout them as a reassuring presence. Although the aeons dwelt within the single body of the Fullness, they were each an independent self. Their variety required them to work together and remain in full agreement, for only through their union could they approach the Father’s greatness.”

One wonderful aspect of Hart’s New Testament is that each time aions and ainoios are mentioned in the original Greek, Hart footnotes the word as an uncertain translation. He notes that aionios in most traditional translations is rendered as “eternal” or “everlasting;” in other words, as a unit of time rather than a unit of consciousness.  Hart points out that “there are many Christians whose sometimes furious objection to any other rendering revolves around a single verse, Matthew 25:46."

Here is how the verse reads in the New King James version:

“Then he will say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels, for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’

Then they also will answer Him, saying ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ Then He will answer them, saying ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me. And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.’”

So, you can see how the King James version threatens to punish the cursed into “everlasting fire,” with everlasting being the word ainios.

According to Hart, this passage, used to threaten eternal damnation by pious Christians for centuries, is replete with mistranslations, so much so, that even the concept of eternal punishment is erased from the New Testament. Hart translates “punishment” as correction or pruning—in other words, not as a vindictive activity but rather a learning experience with correction as a goal, rather than eternal torment.

Here is Hart’s translation of the same passage:

“Then he will say to those on the left, ‘Go from me, you execrable ones, (execrable means cursed, very bad, hateful), into the fire of the Age prepared for the Slanderer and his angels. For I was hungry and you did not give me anything to eat, I was thirsty and you did not give me drink, I was a stranger and you did not give me hospitality, naked and you did not clothe me, ill and in prison and you did not look after me.’ Then they too will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison and did not attend to you?’ Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Amen, I tell you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these my brothers, neither did you do it to me.’ And these will go to the chastening of that Age, but the just to the life of that Age.’”

But in my gnostic reading of this passage, I prefer to go all the way and substitute the word Age with the concept of the aeons of the Pleroma. So in my rendering of the passage, I would have Jesus say, ‘Go from me, you execrable ones, into the fire of the aeons of the Totality, prepared for the Slanderer and his archons.’ Remember, the “angels” of the demiurge are not true angels but archons, or messengers of the Slanderer. So this is an example where Hart should have left the word “messenger” rather than “angel,” as these are actually archons and not angels.

Jesus says later in this passage, which again to remind you, is Matthew 25:46, “And these will go to the chastening of that Age, but the just to the life of that Age.” Here, using our gnosis, we can tell that Jesus more likely said, “And these will go to the correction of the Aeons, but the just to the life of the Aeons,” which we can consider to be the original source of life itself, the Pleroma.

There is no eternal damnation spoken of. There is a correction for the unrighteous, a dropping of the memes of vice and the worldview of the demiurge, a burning away of the emotions engendered by the Slanderer—which are those whispers of archonic voices that condemn us already and keep us from blissful union with the Totalities of the Pleroma.

With gnosis we can see that this well-known passage in the book of Matthew does not promise any eternal anything, because the ainion of the original Greek is not a reference to eternity or any amount of time; it is a reference to the abode of the aeonic forms.

And what is the chastening, or correction, that is required of those on the left? Here is what it says in Mark 3, verse 29:

“Amen, I tell you that all will be excused the sons of men, the transgressions and the blasphemies, howsoever they may blaspheme; But whoever blasphemes against the Spirit, the Holy one, has no excuse throughout the age, but is answerable for a transgression in the Age.”

I would turn those references to time, age and Age, to references to the life of the Pleroma, to read, “But whoever blasphemes against the Spirit, the Holy one, has no excuse to provide the aeons, but is answerable for a transgression to the entirety of the Fullness,” or words to that effect.

As far as the blasphemies, those unkind and untruthful things we say to one another in anger or jealousy, those are against each other and entirely irrelevant to the aeons above. Those will be forgiven upon death when your unit of consciousness loosens its grip upon your incarnation. And in the final death where we are free from returning to this earth and are welcomed to dwell in the paradise of the Pleroma with the aeons. There our minor blasphemies will be forgotten and we will exist on the right side of the virtue ledger, with our negative karma and memes entirely forgiven. They will hold no place with the aeons.

But the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a different thing altogether. This is not nastiness to one another; this is rather the state of not loving the Father. This is the state of mind that leads one to hate holiness and virtue. This is a state that is antithetical to the love of God and the life of the aeons. It is a state where the person does not want to go home; where the person  would rather hate righteousness and virtue than surrender to it. It is the person actively pushing the aeons away. It is this hardness of heart against the Father than requires correction, or chastening.  Or as it could alternatively translated in Hart’s New Testament: “answerable for a transgression against the aeons.”

But the good news is that, according to the Tripartite Tractate and my own rendition of the Tripartite, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, everyone will eventually surrender their fallen ego and happily return to the Pleroma.
Even the hylics, the materialists, and the atheists. When every second order power begins to know the Father and surrender their egos to their higher Self, then all of creation will be redeemed. And our psychic and spiritual selves will pass over into Paradise at last. When the last second order power is redeemed, Logos will be fully redeemed from the Fall.

So, you begin to see how gnostic the New Testament can be when one simple but major translation correction is made: aeons for age, or units of consciousness for units of time. I can assure you that these Greek words, aion and aionios, appear throughout the New Testament. Fortunately, Hart footnotes most of them as  “unclear,” and so points out their appearances on the pages where they appear, giving us an easy way to locate the passages. Just thumbing through the book reveals numerous passages where Age and Ages can be easily rendered as aeons and Pleroma. Which suddenly makes the New Testament entirely compatible with certain gnostic texts of the Nag Hammadi.

Join me for our next episode and I’ll go through Hart’s New Testament and share these aeonic passages with you.   Until then, be well. God bless. And onward and upward.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Comments from a podcast listener--wonderful insights

The Gnostic Insights podcast has been up for two months. I am pleased to report that there are dozens of listeners who appear to be working their way consistently through all 30 podcast episodes posted thus far. As this is a teaching podcast, I'm impressed by my listeners' dedication to discovering the gnosis within themselves. Back when I was a college teacher, I often felt as though I was spending way more time preparing lessons than my students spent studying them. I do not have that feeling here at Gnostic Insights, where truth is steadily leaking into our fallen world and freely shared with all who desire it.

Memes contributed by listener

Below is a set of comments sent in by an international listener who wishes to remain anonymous. I think the comments are so lovely, I wanted to share them with all of you. They take the form of a series of questions, and my answers are included. This listener also offers me (as well as you) some encouraging advice and support that is very much appreciated. 

Gnosticism, for me, at is core is inspiring me to enhance further the connection I have to the subtle light source of life. 

Q: Do you agree, please?     Yes

Life upon earth sees us inhabiting human vehicles that are subjected to a dense heavy energetic force and the world does its best to keep us caught in its spell, in its grip, in its maya.   

Q: Do you agree, please?     Yes

In reality, we are eternally aware and we can train ourselves to be mindful of and to live moment by moment in the presence of the true source of life, a subtle light energetic source of calm and peace irrespective of anything external in the world. That is my understanding and my experience.

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

The gift of eternal divine awareness comes also with free will, for me to be aware of that subtle light energetic source or to remain trapped in the dense heavy energetic force of this maya illusion that is the physical world. 

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

The Buddha stated that attachment is the cause of all suffering. In my opinion, it is the attachment to this physical world, the body, the mind, the grievances and so forth that are the cause of all suffering. 

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

Enlightenment is only a thought away. In fact, a thought is going too far. Enlightenment is simply being in touch with that light subtle energy that exists eternally and is found before the mental element or mind.   

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

I am eternally grateful to be where I am today and to have access to a connection of such peace and calm. I just wonder if my understanding resonates with your understanding. I respect your vast understanding of gnosticism.

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

There is a saying that:
'You are not what you think because what you think is not reality'.
Thinking is what the temporary flesh prison vehicles do but it is not who we are.

I would like it to be that everyone has the ability to wake up to the truth of themselves and does so in their own way and time. However, there is also a belief that in the ancient past humans were genetically modified. The first experiment rebelled, would not serve nor worship the fake gods and departed to live their lives connecting to and honoring the true God, or subtle light source of life.

A second experiment was undertaken whereby the humans were designed purely to serve and worship the fake gods. The humans had no connection to their spirit and could not ever wake up to their enslavement. I see so many people in this world asleep and willfully ignorant to truth choosing only to believe their television despite inwardly knowing they cannot truly trust it.

Q: Do you agree, please?  Hmmmm... see below for full answer....

I have concluded that the vast majority of humanity are indeed second experiment humans and cannot ever wake up to their enslavement. Plus, that their very enslavement is also intended to enslave me and others like me because their enslavement causes me to feel sad and frustrated thereby causing me to live in the dense heavy force of this world as opposed to the subtle light source of life.   Hmmmm... see below for full answer....

Q: Do you agree, please?

This is a genuine enquiry to try to see if my understanding of this world and life itself resonates with someone as experienced and wise as yourself.   Yes, thank you.

My reply:  Your letter was lovely. I fully, absolutely agree with everything you have to say.  Up until the final couple of propositions concerning the details of the two waves of humans on the planet.

 I do agree that there was a first wave of humans, who were genetically manipulated by perhaps aliens or “gods” in the form of possessed archons and technological and/or sexual changes in our DNA. Then came the cataclysm, basically the world wide flood, that wiped out almost all creatures on the planet. I understand there were only about one thousand humans located mostly in the Middle East that survived the flood. Our modern humans appear to derive from them. 

The second wave that you are referring to is not, I think, a distinct race. I think these people are completely deluded by the god of this planet, who keeps them distracted from truth and virtue by means of electronic toys and digital junk food.  These deluded people are easily led astray by archonic influences and may even be fully possessed by archonic personalities.  But all humans are fractals of the Fullness of God. The god of this world can make mud, but it cannot make life. Therefore there are no purely evil humans, only deluded and possessed humans.  But the humans all belong to the Fullness above, we are their fruit and we are in their care.  Each human only needs to stop listening to the imitations and the archons and turn away to face the light.

 Loved all of your other points and I fully concur.

 Onward and upward!
His reply:

Hi! Thank you for your prompt response.  You clearly know what you are talking about. You are very welcome to post my letter(s) to your blog. I hope the information helps others.


The subtle light energy of life underlies the dense heavy energy of the mind and this world and is what fuels its very existence.


I was once very unconscious myself and no different to the majority of people in this world. It was suffering a divorce that knocked my ego enough for awakening to begin.  My hope is that the majority of the unconscious in this world will be fortunate also to wake up. 


Humanity are heading for great suffering in the coming years, that suffering no doubt will be their catalyst to begin to awaken and people like yourself are here in this world to help them at that time.


Thank you for prompt reply and for the information that I always hoped was true.


Many Thanks

A follow-up comment from the same person:

In my opinion, the gnostics had very important information for humanity. That information was only found in 1945 and for those with eyes to see that information explains very clearly what is going on in this world.


Buddhism outlines the cycle of birth and rebirth, the constant suffering because of attachment to this world and the goal to escape its clutches. Hinduism outlines that this world is maya, an illusion. In short, both add more weight to the gnostic information.


Just one look at the world today and recent pandemic events demonstrate the deception that humanity are subjected to constantly and humanity's willful ignorance and programming to see the world differently from the official narrative.


Spirituality encourages those awake to wake up those asleep. This I have concluded is an impossible task. Those asleep will only be open to begin to wake up when their life is destroyed and they are at rock bottom.


The true power in this world is with the minority who are awake. If that minority came together then that awake minority all connected to the subtle light energy of life could bring about great change. The bible outlines "Where two or more are gathered in my name ...." (name = subtle light energy of heaven). The one hundredth monkey effect and critical mass also indicate the true power is with the awake minority.


The controllers of this world know this hence the need to send those waking up in the wrong direction away from their power. Those asleep reside in the dense heavy energy of this world. Those awake have the knowledge of the agenda or deception but find themselves residing also in the dense heavy energy of this world because trying to wake up those asleep is an impossible task and achieves only to make those awake sad, frustrated, and weary. Be careful, please!


You have put together a brilliant website. Those that need it will be directed to it and to your life. It is very important that you live your life in a way that suits you and ensures that you reside always in the subtle light energy as you live each day. The bible outlines "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" (kingdom = subtle light energy).


The bible outlines that humans comprise of mind, body, and spirit. All humans are eternally aware. That choice of awareness is either the subtle light energy of their spirit and heaven. Or, it is the dense heavy energy of their mind and body and the earth of hell.


This world, the earth of hell, does its best to lure humans into its energetic trap. In reality, humans have to allow satan what belongs to satan. That includes the mind, the body, the world, grievances and so forth. This world has no more significance than the dream last night.


Seek ye first the kingdom of God. From that subtle light energetic state of peace and calm a person quickly realizes that there is nothing to do, nothing to change, nothing to improve, and nothing to fear. There is only being. You are already perfect exactly as you are and you just need to be not lured away from your true self.


While a person resides in the mind and body, death will see that person go to the afterlife whereby it is an extension of the mind and a continuation of the matrix or hell. That person is caught in the cycle of birth and rebirth simply going back and forth from the physical world to the afterlife world with the aim of becoming a better person to become enlightened. In reality, that person is caught in the archontic matrix or trap.


That person is not the body that died nor the mind that is made up of astrological influences, dna influences, cultural influences, family influences, experience influences, and education influences. The mind cannot be perfected. It is not a part of life. The mind is the trickster.


That person is the spirit, eternal, divine, and perfect. That person has free will and is forever aware and has the choice to be aware of its true home, the subtle light energy or to be aware of the dense heavy energy. That person will only truly be fulfilled and at peace when they are aware of the subtle light energy. That person is already perfect as their spirit, they just need to realize it by letting go of what they are not.


Gnostics, I thought, taught that the goal of life on earth was to escape this energetic prison by waking up to the deception of this world and by having personal experiences with the Divine and that Jesus was the example to copy rather than to revere.


The world is the world. What is important is that you do not lose yourself in it. You are responsible for yourself primarily. You are responsible for ensuring that you live aware of the subtle light light energy. It is not hard to do. 


(1) Wait for the dense energy of the trap mind/heart to calm sufficiently!

(2) Be aware of and connect in with the energy at the rear of your head or neck!

(3) Recognize that subtle energy by how it makes you feel, reside in it and trust in it!


Stay unaffected by this world and connected to an energy that is not of this world! Those of us that are awake, to some degree, have to accept that connection is not about anything eternal to us but is about where we are AT always. (AT = Allow + Trust)


We must do the necessary mental gymnastics with our minds to ensure that we allow this connection to the subtle light energy and that we trust in it totally. With a good connection we are automatically at peace, have no fear, what will be will be, we witness the world, assist those looking for assistance, and have no weariness. We are strong and stand quietly, politely and unopinionated in our power respecting the free will choices of others ensuring that they respect our free will choices and that they do not pull us into their problems or energetic state. We are here to help them to help themselves. There is a good saying "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."


Those awake need to be careful at this time, a balance of helping others but at the same time not losing themselves in the process. 


If anything here resonates then take it onboard. If not, dismiss it. I already know you and I agree on many things.


Take Care of Yourself!

(You are important, not because of your work in this world, you just are. Being important is your birthright)


Best Wishes

And another follow-up from the same person! 

Hope you are fine! My final enquiry I promise! Thank You!  You are so welcome. Please do not stop your comments!


Gnosis is knowledge. Sometimes, I am fortunate to realize truth within myself. Other times, I am fortunate to receive information that resonates with me and becomes my truth. I recognize your immense knowledge and hope you can help me. 

Thank you!  Thank you. You are welcome.


In my experience, people are generally only open to new truth when they are suffering, struggling, and in need of help. During this time their normal approach to life has failed them and they are open to anything that can help them ease their suffering and struggle.


Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes


I have tried many many approaches over many years with family without success. Information simply does not penetrate them. Their world is already cast in stone by the television viewpoint and the lifestyle of the majority of humanity.


People, in my opinion, are afraid to know the truth of life. Therefore, they live willfully ignorant happily marching to the cliff edge knowing a drop awaits them. They just hope the drop is not a steep one. People have so much invested in their existing life and in their world that they are too afraid to see themselves and their world differently.


Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes   It is difficult for me to remember that everyone progresses at their own pace. I am impatient with people, and I would like to be less impatient.


Free will is an essential component of the divine eternity that all humans ultimately have in common. These days I simply remain available to share knowledge and experience within anyone seeking or genuinely open to truth. I assume that everyone is exactly where they each need to be in life, even if that is total ignorance right now.

Q: Do you agree, please?  Yes, you are right.  My brother reminds me of this on a regular basis, to assist me with patience.


For me personally it took many years of seeking knowledge, of suffering and struggle, and of meditation to realize the truth that God is the subtle light energy that I can be aware of and connect to and be at peace and calm irrespective of any circumstances in this world.


 I realized that my connection to this subtle light energy was dependent upon the state of my mind and emotions. If I become gripped by my mind or this world then my connection suffered. I realized that there was a link between my mind and my connection strength or intensity.


My connection is the most important thing in my life. I have had out of body experiences therefore death does not scare me. Death while my awareness is trapped in my mind does scare me because that would mean I would still be trapped in hell, this matrix, or the cycle of birth and rebirth referred to by Buddhism.


Q: Do you agree, please?  Not entirely.  I would not fear loss of enlightenment and being trapped in this matrix. Once you are enlightened, you are redeemed. You cannot be permanently exiled. It may be the case that after your death, you will have more information with which to decide if and how you will reincarnate. You may decide to come back in order to help others, for example. My own inclination at this time is not to reincarnate, but I may find out differently after my death.


Death while my awareness is in touch with my spirit is the goal of life. Enlightenment is for me being in touch with the light subtle energy that exists before the mental element or mind. In the bible Matthew is reported to have said.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."


Juggling is very easy to understand but quite difficult to achieve. Being aware of or connecting to our spirit is easy to understand but quite difficult to do because of our taught reliance upon thought and the mind.


Q: Do you agree, please?  Yes I do. Yet I would remind you that it is the power of Christ to redeem everyone, eventually.  Only the archonic shadows will be destroyed by the Light.


My parents and siblings have all been vaccinated. As yet I have not. The vaccine concerns me in that it is not a regular vaccine. It is a MRNA vaccine that permanently alters DNA. In short, it will affect the body which in turn could affect the mind which could affect my connection to the subtle light energy of life that I hope is the kingdom of heaven.


The world we live in is a very dark place. It is maya or an illusion according to Hinduism and it is a world of deception where anything we are told is true most likely is not. I had all my vaccines as a child and feel that was when I lost the connection spiritually I had briefly as a child.


That connection spiritually to the subtle light source of life is something that I only became aware of again in recent years. There is something about this new vaccine does not resonate with me at all. I have no fear of the virus but alot of apprehension around the vaccine.


Q: Do you agree, please?  I absolutely agree with you on this. The vaccine is not for our health; it is for our continued delusion. I mistrust it entirely.


I understand that life is a soul journey, a sole journey in that it is a personal relationship between us individually and the true God. However, sometimes, in my experience, gnosis comes to us also from others if we are alert enough to realize their experience and wisdom. 


Hence, my message to you!


Many Thanks


Thank you so much for sharing your insights with me and all of my readers! Onward and upward! God bless!
