Sunday, July 11, 2021

Comments from a podcast listener--wonderful insights

The Gnostic Insights podcast has been up for two months. I am pleased to report that there are dozens of listeners who appear to be working their way consistently through all 30 podcast episodes posted thus far. As this is a teaching podcast, I'm impressed by my listeners' dedication to discovering the gnosis within themselves. Back when I was a college teacher, I often felt as though I was spending way more time preparing lessons than my students spent studying them. I do not have that feeling here at Gnostic Insights, where truth is steadily leaking into our fallen world and freely shared with all who desire it.

Memes contributed by listener

Below is a set of comments sent in by an international listener who wishes to remain anonymous. I think the comments are so lovely, I wanted to share them with all of you. They take the form of a series of questions, and my answers are included. This listener also offers me (as well as you) some encouraging advice and support that is very much appreciated. 

Gnosticism, for me, at is core is inspiring me to enhance further the connection I have to the subtle light source of life. 

Q: Do you agree, please?     Yes

Life upon earth sees us inhabiting human vehicles that are subjected to a dense heavy energetic force and the world does its best to keep us caught in its spell, in its grip, in its maya.   

Q: Do you agree, please?     Yes

In reality, we are eternally aware and we can train ourselves to be mindful of and to live moment by moment in the presence of the true source of life, a subtle light energetic source of calm and peace irrespective of anything external in the world. That is my understanding and my experience.

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

The gift of eternal divine awareness comes also with free will, for me to be aware of that subtle light energetic source or to remain trapped in the dense heavy energetic force of this maya illusion that is the physical world. 

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

The Buddha stated that attachment is the cause of all suffering. In my opinion, it is the attachment to this physical world, the body, the mind, the grievances and so forth that are the cause of all suffering. 

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

Enlightenment is only a thought away. In fact, a thought is going too far. Enlightenment is simply being in touch with that light subtle energy that exists eternally and is found before the mental element or mind.   

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

I am eternally grateful to be where I am today and to have access to a connection of such peace and calm. I just wonder if my understanding resonates with your understanding. I respect your vast understanding of gnosticism.

Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes

There is a saying that:
'You are not what you think because what you think is not reality'.
Thinking is what the temporary flesh prison vehicles do but it is not who we are.

I would like it to be that everyone has the ability to wake up to the truth of themselves and does so in their own way and time. However, there is also a belief that in the ancient past humans were genetically modified. The first experiment rebelled, would not serve nor worship the fake gods and departed to live their lives connecting to and honoring the true God, or subtle light source of life.

A second experiment was undertaken whereby the humans were designed purely to serve and worship the fake gods. The humans had no connection to their spirit and could not ever wake up to their enslavement. I see so many people in this world asleep and willfully ignorant to truth choosing only to believe their television despite inwardly knowing they cannot truly trust it.

Q: Do you agree, please?  Hmmmm... see below for full answer....

I have concluded that the vast majority of humanity are indeed second experiment humans and cannot ever wake up to their enslavement. Plus, that their very enslavement is also intended to enslave me and others like me because their enslavement causes me to feel sad and frustrated thereby causing me to live in the dense heavy force of this world as opposed to the subtle light source of life.   Hmmmm... see below for full answer....

Q: Do you agree, please?

This is a genuine enquiry to try to see if my understanding of this world and life itself resonates with someone as experienced and wise as yourself.   Yes, thank you.

My reply:  Your letter was lovely. I fully, absolutely agree with everything you have to say.  Up until the final couple of propositions concerning the details of the two waves of humans on the planet.

 I do agree that there was a first wave of humans, who were genetically manipulated by perhaps aliens or “gods” in the form of possessed archons and technological and/or sexual changes in our DNA. Then came the cataclysm, basically the world wide flood, that wiped out almost all creatures on the planet. I understand there were only about one thousand humans located mostly in the Middle East that survived the flood. Our modern humans appear to derive from them. 

The second wave that you are referring to is not, I think, a distinct race. I think these people are completely deluded by the god of this planet, who keeps them distracted from truth and virtue by means of electronic toys and digital junk food.  These deluded people are easily led astray by archonic influences and may even be fully possessed by archonic personalities.  But all humans are fractals of the Fullness of God. The god of this world can make mud, but it cannot make life. Therefore there are no purely evil humans, only deluded and possessed humans.  But the humans all belong to the Fullness above, we are their fruit and we are in their care.  Each human only needs to stop listening to the imitations and the archons and turn away to face the light.

 Loved all of your other points and I fully concur.

 Onward and upward!
His reply:

Hi! Thank you for your prompt response.  You clearly know what you are talking about. You are very welcome to post my letter(s) to your blog. I hope the information helps others.


The subtle light energy of life underlies the dense heavy energy of the mind and this world and is what fuels its very existence.


I was once very unconscious myself and no different to the majority of people in this world. It was suffering a divorce that knocked my ego enough for awakening to begin.  My hope is that the majority of the unconscious in this world will be fortunate also to wake up. 


Humanity are heading for great suffering in the coming years, that suffering no doubt will be their catalyst to begin to awaken and people like yourself are here in this world to help them at that time.


Thank you for prompt reply and for the information that I always hoped was true.


Many Thanks

A follow-up comment from the same person:

In my opinion, the gnostics had very important information for humanity. That information was only found in 1945 and for those with eyes to see that information explains very clearly what is going on in this world.


Buddhism outlines the cycle of birth and rebirth, the constant suffering because of attachment to this world and the goal to escape its clutches. Hinduism outlines that this world is maya, an illusion. In short, both add more weight to the gnostic information.


Just one look at the world today and recent pandemic events demonstrate the deception that humanity are subjected to constantly and humanity's willful ignorance and programming to see the world differently from the official narrative.


Spirituality encourages those awake to wake up those asleep. This I have concluded is an impossible task. Those asleep will only be open to begin to wake up when their life is destroyed and they are at rock bottom.


The true power in this world is with the minority who are awake. If that minority came together then that awake minority all connected to the subtle light energy of life could bring about great change. The bible outlines "Where two or more are gathered in my name ...." (name = subtle light energy of heaven). The one hundredth monkey effect and critical mass also indicate the true power is with the awake minority.


The controllers of this world know this hence the need to send those waking up in the wrong direction away from their power. Those asleep reside in the dense heavy energy of this world. Those awake have the knowledge of the agenda or deception but find themselves residing also in the dense heavy energy of this world because trying to wake up those asleep is an impossible task and achieves only to make those awake sad, frustrated, and weary. Be careful, please!


You have put together a brilliant website. Those that need it will be directed to it and to your life. It is very important that you live your life in a way that suits you and ensures that you reside always in the subtle light energy as you live each day. The bible outlines "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" (kingdom = subtle light energy).


The bible outlines that humans comprise of mind, body, and spirit. All humans are eternally aware. That choice of awareness is either the subtle light energy of their spirit and heaven. Or, it is the dense heavy energy of their mind and body and the earth of hell.


This world, the earth of hell, does its best to lure humans into its energetic trap. In reality, humans have to allow satan what belongs to satan. That includes the mind, the body, the world, grievances and so forth. This world has no more significance than the dream last night.


Seek ye first the kingdom of God. From that subtle light energetic state of peace and calm a person quickly realizes that there is nothing to do, nothing to change, nothing to improve, and nothing to fear. There is only being. You are already perfect exactly as you are and you just need to be not lured away from your true self.


While a person resides in the mind and body, death will see that person go to the afterlife whereby it is an extension of the mind and a continuation of the matrix or hell. That person is caught in the cycle of birth and rebirth simply going back and forth from the physical world to the afterlife world with the aim of becoming a better person to become enlightened. In reality, that person is caught in the archontic matrix or trap.


That person is not the body that died nor the mind that is made up of astrological influences, dna influences, cultural influences, family influences, experience influences, and education influences. The mind cannot be perfected. It is not a part of life. The mind is the trickster.


That person is the spirit, eternal, divine, and perfect. That person has free will and is forever aware and has the choice to be aware of its true home, the subtle light energy or to be aware of the dense heavy energy. That person will only truly be fulfilled and at peace when they are aware of the subtle light energy. That person is already perfect as their spirit, they just need to realize it by letting go of what they are not.


Gnostics, I thought, taught that the goal of life on earth was to escape this energetic prison by waking up to the deception of this world and by having personal experiences with the Divine and that Jesus was the example to copy rather than to revere.


The world is the world. What is important is that you do not lose yourself in it. You are responsible for yourself primarily. You are responsible for ensuring that you live aware of the subtle light light energy. It is not hard to do. 


(1) Wait for the dense energy of the trap mind/heart to calm sufficiently!

(2) Be aware of and connect in with the energy at the rear of your head or neck!

(3) Recognize that subtle energy by how it makes you feel, reside in it and trust in it!


Stay unaffected by this world and connected to an energy that is not of this world! Those of us that are awake, to some degree, have to accept that connection is not about anything eternal to us but is about where we are AT always. (AT = Allow + Trust)


We must do the necessary mental gymnastics with our minds to ensure that we allow this connection to the subtle light energy and that we trust in it totally. With a good connection we are automatically at peace, have no fear, what will be will be, we witness the world, assist those looking for assistance, and have no weariness. We are strong and stand quietly, politely and unopinionated in our power respecting the free will choices of others ensuring that they respect our free will choices and that they do not pull us into their problems or energetic state. We are here to help them to help themselves. There is a good saying "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."


Those awake need to be careful at this time, a balance of helping others but at the same time not losing themselves in the process. 


If anything here resonates then take it onboard. If not, dismiss it. I already know you and I agree on many things.


Take Care of Yourself!

(You are important, not because of your work in this world, you just are. Being important is your birthright)


Best Wishes

And another follow-up from the same person! 

Hope you are fine! My final enquiry I promise! Thank You!  You are so welcome. Please do not stop your comments!


Gnosis is knowledge. Sometimes, I am fortunate to realize truth within myself. Other times, I am fortunate to receive information that resonates with me and becomes my truth. I recognize your immense knowledge and hope you can help me. 

Thank you!  Thank you. You are welcome.


In my experience, people are generally only open to new truth when they are suffering, struggling, and in need of help. During this time their normal approach to life has failed them and they are open to anything that can help them ease their suffering and struggle.


Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes


I have tried many many approaches over many years with family without success. Information simply does not penetrate them. Their world is already cast in stone by the television viewpoint and the lifestyle of the majority of humanity.


People, in my opinion, are afraid to know the truth of life. Therefore, they live willfully ignorant happily marching to the cliff edge knowing a drop awaits them. They just hope the drop is not a steep one. People have so much invested in their existing life and in their world that they are too afraid to see themselves and their world differently.


Q: Do you agree, please?   Yes   It is difficult for me to remember that everyone progresses at their own pace. I am impatient with people, and I would like to be less impatient.


Free will is an essential component of the divine eternity that all humans ultimately have in common. These days I simply remain available to share knowledge and experience within anyone seeking or genuinely open to truth. I assume that everyone is exactly where they each need to be in life, even if that is total ignorance right now.

Q: Do you agree, please?  Yes, you are right.  My brother reminds me of this on a regular basis, to assist me with patience.


For me personally it took many years of seeking knowledge, of suffering and struggle, and of meditation to realize the truth that God is the subtle light energy that I can be aware of and connect to and be at peace and calm irrespective of any circumstances in this world.


 I realized that my connection to this subtle light energy was dependent upon the state of my mind and emotions. If I become gripped by my mind or this world then my connection suffered. I realized that there was a link between my mind and my connection strength or intensity.


My connection is the most important thing in my life. I have had out of body experiences therefore death does not scare me. Death while my awareness is trapped in my mind does scare me because that would mean I would still be trapped in hell, this matrix, or the cycle of birth and rebirth referred to by Buddhism.


Q: Do you agree, please?  Not entirely.  I would not fear loss of enlightenment and being trapped in this matrix. Once you are enlightened, you are redeemed. You cannot be permanently exiled. It may be the case that after your death, you will have more information with which to decide if and how you will reincarnate. You may decide to come back in order to help others, for example. My own inclination at this time is not to reincarnate, but I may find out differently after my death.


Death while my awareness is in touch with my spirit is the goal of life. Enlightenment is for me being in touch with the light subtle energy that exists before the mental element or mind. In the bible Matthew is reported to have said.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."


Juggling is very easy to understand but quite difficult to achieve. Being aware of or connecting to our spirit is easy to understand but quite difficult to do because of our taught reliance upon thought and the mind.


Q: Do you agree, please?  Yes I do. Yet I would remind you that it is the power of Christ to redeem everyone, eventually.  Only the archonic shadows will be destroyed by the Light.


My parents and siblings have all been vaccinated. As yet I have not. The vaccine concerns me in that it is not a regular vaccine. It is a MRNA vaccine that permanently alters DNA. In short, it will affect the body which in turn could affect the mind which could affect my connection to the subtle light energy of life that I hope is the kingdom of heaven.


The world we live in is a very dark place. It is maya or an illusion according to Hinduism and it is a world of deception where anything we are told is true most likely is not. I had all my vaccines as a child and feel that was when I lost the connection spiritually I had briefly as a child.


That connection spiritually to the subtle light source of life is something that I only became aware of again in recent years. There is something about this new vaccine does not resonate with me at all. I have no fear of the virus but alot of apprehension around the vaccine.


Q: Do you agree, please?  I absolutely agree with you on this. The vaccine is not for our health; it is for our continued delusion. I mistrust it entirely.


I understand that life is a soul journey, a sole journey in that it is a personal relationship between us individually and the true God. However, sometimes, in my experience, gnosis comes to us also from others if we are alert enough to realize their experience and wisdom. 


Hence, my message to you!


Many Thanks


Thank you so much for sharing your insights with me and all of my readers! Onward and upward! God bless!
