Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Infancy Gospel of James posted on Gnostic Insights podcast

 You may enjoy listening to my Christmas podcast episode over on Gnostic Insights. For this episode I read The Infancy Gospel of James outloud. This gospel is not particularly "gnostic;" it is more along the lines of an early Christian fable of the nativity that we haven't heard before.

For instance, did you know that Mary was raised as a vestal virgin in Herod's Temple in Jerusalem? Did you know that Mary was betrothed to a much older widower, Joseph, when she was 12? Did you know that Mary and Joseph got into a world of trouble when Mary turned up pregnant at age 16?  Did you know that a Hebrew midwife performed a pelvic exam of Mary after the birth of Jesus to see if she was truly still a virgin? There's plenty more we have never heard, from this banned gospel. 

Go have a listen. Hopefully you will enjoy hearing it. It's my Christmas present to you.

The Infancy Gospel of James: Mary and the Birth of Jesus – Gnostic Insights

Onward and upward!


Friday, December 10, 2021

Are you listening to the Gnostic Insights Podcast?

My Gnostic Insights podcast is worth listening to! I am putting most of my effort into Gnostic Insights, posting at least once per week. There are now well over 50 episodes to listen to. If you begin at the beginning of the podcast and work your way forward through all 50, you will find yourself in a "master class" of Gnostic cosmology and insights.

All episodes are alive and actively dispensing information there at the Gnostic Insights home page. When you visit Gnostic Insights you will find two menu tabs at the top of the page with all episodes listed in order of their posting.

Under the menu tab called "The Gnostic Gospel Primer" you will find the first eight episodes of Gnostic Insights, which lays out the gnostic cosmology according to the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi scriptures. Begin at episode 1 and then carry on listening to all eight episodes in order. The episodes follow a logical progression, designed for your understanding and developing gnosis. If you follow these episodes in order of their presentation, you will not get lost.

Then, after completing the Primer, go to the menu tab called "Complete Episodes Library." There you will discover an extremely rich trove of gnostic thought. If you go in order, from the top episode, called "Ego vs. Self" and continue down the ever-lengthening list of podcast episodes, you will be able to understand the material. If you jump to the middle or the end, I can't guarantee that you won't get lost. I record these episodes in a particular, logical order, and many of the terms and concepts depend upon your having listened to the preceding episodes.

The purpose of Gnostic Insights is to help you remember the gnosis that was placed in your mind and heart prior to your birth. I am not trying to wow you with my mystical brilliance or academic credentials. I am doing my best to keep the language simple and understandable for anyone to grasp. The concepts may be foreign and deep, but if you listen with an open heart and mind you will get it. I promise.

You may also write to me with questions or comments, using the contact form there at Gnostic Insights. I would love to hear from you! There, you also have the opportunity to help support Gnostic Insights with a donation. I would so appreciate that.

Onward and upward! See you at the top!