Sunday, October 13, 2019

Is Jesus the Christ? A Gnostic Perspective

Yes, Yeshua is a singular Anointed human, possessed by the Holy Spirit known as the Christ. 

Yeshua, whom we call Jesus in the west, was half human and half Christ, or you could also say, fully human and fully God, being comprised of human DNA on the mother's side and perfected, corrected DNA on the Father's side. This is why the virgin birth is an important facet of the story, for it left room at conception for the Holy Spirit to insert and entwine its perfect DNA code into the human egg.

Why did the Holy Spirit choose a Hebrew virgin to impregnate? Because the perfected DNA inserted into the mother of Jesus at his conception was designed to precisely fit and correct the corrupted Abrahamic code. You could say that the descendants of Abraham carried a genetic lineage that was particularly suitable to accept the Christ's DNA code.
Side view of DNA double helix encircled by a sliding clamp homotrimer. 

Yet, the Annointed human Jesus is not exactly identical to the Christ, for the Christ Itself existed long before the human child Jesus was born on Earth. 

The aeons of the Fullness "took upon themselves the Fall that had happened as if it were their own, with concern, goodness, and great kindness. . . for the one who had become deficient could be made perfect in no other way except by the Fullness of the Father" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 86].

And so the aeons of the Fullness, every one individually and ALL of them collectively, gave glory in unison to their Father, while praying for help for the Deficiency. 

They brought forth One that combined every attribute of the ALL manifested in the image of the Father "of whom they had been thinking when they gave glory and prayed for help" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 86]. 

The Christ Itself is the Fruit of the Eternal Father and the Aeons of the Fullness working together to save the inhabitants of Earth. 
The Christ had to wait until Earth had evolved enough for Homo sapiens to embody the correcting Code that would redeem Earth from its battle with the material imitation known as the Deficiency. 

This One was called "The Son of his Will" and "of the good pleasure of the ALL." It is "the knowledge of the Father, who wished to become known." It is also described as holding "authority vested in him from the beginning and the power needed to execute it" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 87, 88]. 

The aeons not only produced a singular Fruit reflecting the Father, but that Fruit also reflected their own individual countenances and aspects from their positions in the hierarchy of the Fullness. In this manner, they "went forth in a form that consisted of many forms, so that the one whom they were going to help should see those to whom he had prayed for help as well as the One who brought it to him" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 87]. 

The Fruit of the ALL first shone its light on those of the Second Order of Powers who had lost their vision and wanted to see again. These Powers had a small inkling that something higher existed prior to them, and they were not surprised by the revelation of the Light. They greeted the Light, "with inexpressible joy," and gladly bowed down before it. 
Those of the Remembrance joyfully greeted the Light.
Those redeemed by the Light were made whole and complete. They were given access to "chariots" like those of the aeons, able to carry them throughout all of the regions and activities contained within the Boundary. Because the Christ carried knowledge from the ALL and the Fullness, and power from the Father, their chariots brought the order of the hierarchy to all corners of the universe, and organized systems began to appear, displacing the chaos of the Imitation. Riding these chariots, "each one may obtain his fixed place in accordance with what he is" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 91]. 
We are accustomed to seeing DNA depicted from a side view, as an intertwined helix. From the top view, DNA looks more like a cathedral window, or a chariot wheel.
Those who were now enlightened felt the power of the Redeemer inside themselves, "being together with him, sharing his suffering, relieving him little by little, making him grow, raising him up" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 90].

The Redeemed "were produced as an army for him, as for a king, in which those who belong to this thought share the command and are united in agreement. They went forth in a form that consisted of many forms. . .  [He] also sowed in him, invisibly, a word designed for understanding and gave him the power to detach and dispel from himself those who were disobedient to him" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 88].

The mission of the Christ is to "save" and "redeem" that which was in error and return it to the perfection of the aeons of the Fullness. Redemption is provided to those who willingly seek to realign their corrupted code to the perfection, the Glory, of the originating source code, the Father.  

"Those of the Remembrance" are the souls who vaguely remember and seek out their original spiritual home that existed prior to the material creation of the cosmos. When presented with the Redeemer, the Christ, they quickly remember their Father and the Fullness from whence they came. The Christian church presents the Christ as Jesus hanging on the cross. Those who are "Born Again" experience a mystical union with the Divine while in the act of "giving glory" to God.

Those who do not recognize the Christ in the form of Jesus will eventually recognize the Christ. Sooner or later it is the soul's journey to return to its non-material origin as a child of the Fullness and the Father above. There will be no denying by the end of time, for ALL will be redeemed and returned to the glory of the Fullness by the correcting power of the Christ.

A major difference between Orthodox Christianity and Gnostic Christianity is that the power of the Christ is not dependent on whether or not you believe in Jesus. The Christ will Redeem all souls from the Fall and the Deficiency of this fallen, material cosmos, whether or not you believe it. If salvation was dependent upon each mortal's personal beliefs, then you would have to conclude that personal belief outweighs the power of the Christ. Christ's mission to return all souls to their original, heavenly domain is more powerful than a human's belief system. 

The Christ will Redeem all souls sooner or later. The only question that remains is how long do you wish to suffer the despair, rage, and confusion that comes from separation from the Father and the Fullness?
The cross represents the bridge of top to bottom: Spiritual realm to material realm; and side to side: reaching out with love to your neighbors for the betterment of all.