Thursday, June 25, 2020

Is White Jesus Racist?

Of all the foolish notions flooding social media right now, this one takes the cake.
If you think this image of Jesus represents oppression, then you are on the wrong track, my friend.

Are you familiar with the expression, "Don't throw out the baby with the bath water" ?  This meme teaches us that there are things that must be retained when cleaning house. Only a fool would destroy the good along with the bad.

I hope you realize that negative emotions like hate, anger, and intolerance cannot build, they can only destroy.

In order to build something good, you must approach the challenge with positive emotions like love, tolerance, and acceptance. Otherwise, no matter what you tell yourself or what others tell you, you are not on the side of the angels.

For a fuller discussion of the topic of Jesus, please read my article called "A Gnostic Perspective of Jesus on the Cross."


  1. Jesus was Jewish he would of had olive skin Christin art Christian art portrays Jesus as a Western man which is historically inaccurate

  2. Yes, but this is irrelevant. The Christ comes to all in a form all can recognize. It's the Christ that is the Redeemer. The particular human figure represented on a cross is a proxy image.

    1. I understand your point, but saying that is irrelevant doesn't help the issue to understand that we've been given the wrong impression of who he truly was, which is also important. As you say, Jesus is our only redeemer which is all it matters.

    2. Thank you for your comment, but it is truly beside the point. Jesus came in a form all can recognize as the Redeemer. It matters not how he is represented, and he can be represented as looking however is most beloved by the beholder. The historical veracity is beside the point; the mission and the love is all that matters.


Dr. Ropp is always happy to communicate with sincere truth-seekers.