Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Aeon Byte Program Gnostic Round-up 1 Appearance

This blog's author, Cyd Ropp, was a guest panelist last week on Aeon Byte's Gnostic Round-up program with Miguel Conner. The entire program lasted a little over one hour. 

Miguel has asked me not to repost these videos, so if you want to view them, please visit Aeon Byte and become a subscriber to his podcasts. 

Here is a three minute clip from near the end of the program. In this clip, I remind us all that we do not need to read and learn every darned thing that is out there. There is too much to master. Gnosis is self-generated through contemplation and remembrance. We need only to search for the answers within.

In my reading of the Tibetan Book of  the Dead, I noticed that the instructions for the departed soul's escape from the various bardos boil down to this one simple phrase:  "Onward and Upward."  No matter which bardo the soul is stuck in, the solution is Onward and Upward. That's all you need to remember. 

If you find yourself stuck in a strange place, and you are tumbling about under the surface like a surfer who has just wiped out, remember to go Onward and to go Upward. That is always the solution, no matter which particular bardo you find yourself in.

The demons that are grabbing at you are always back and below. Back and below is where the things that cause you to be stuck are. The past and the recriminations are back and below. You do not have to beat them or even to interact with them. All you have to do is turn around and look up. Travel onward and upward.

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Dr. Ropp is always happy to communicate with sincere truth-seekers.