Saturday, July 15, 2023

A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel of the Tripartite Tractate

 An advance edition of my new book, A Simple Explanation of the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi, is available now. This edition is a black and white version of the book. A deluxe, color edition will soon be made available by a Christian publisher for a higher cost.

You may purchase your advance copy directly from me. The color edition will be available at all online bookstores, including Christian bookstores.

Have you been listening to the Gnostic Insights podcast? A new teaching episode drops every Saturday. I also have a substack blog/podcast site now that encourages interactive dialogue about this material.

The concepts that I am sharing with you are universal and applicable to anyone who is seeking the truth about consciousness, God, the nature of life, death, and suffering, and the nature of the simulated reality we appear to be living in. This gnosis is also a “gospel” in that the word gospel means “good news.” The good news presented here is that the Gnostic Gospel offers the promise of a personal relationship with higher order entities and the God Above All Gods. This is not a challenge to established religions, but rather a clarification of the nature of the Father and our relation to the Father. This gnosis also clarifies so many of the puzzles that established religions, philosophies, and even science have been unable to answer. If a Great Awakening is currently underway, then this gnosis is an integral addition to spreading the Word.

This book represents the current state of my personal gnosis within the context of a fully developed Gnostic theology. Although The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated presents everything one needs to know to remember the gnosis they were born with, this book goes beyond The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated to offer in-depth explanations of the whys and wherefores of gnostic beliefs.

Before we go any further, let’s answer the question: what is gnosis? We keep talking about gnosis and Gnosticism, but what does this mean? Gnosis simply means knowing. And in the gnostic frame of reference, gnosis refers to remembering the truth of our existence and our cosmic origin. Gnostic literature says we come into life holding all of this knowledge within ourselves and that we have complete access to the Father, the Son, and the Fullness any time we choose to turn our focus upward. It is this direct connection to the Father that brings us into alignment with our gnosis.

Onward and upward!

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